
Life Is Good, Bad and Ugly

Fire Your Cable Company!!


Image representing Vudu as depicted in CrunchBase


We’re in a recession, the economy is sluggish, jobs are just starting to come back to life….yet the cable and satellite companies still prices?!

Unfortunately yes, and we pay a pretty penny for those 0’s and 1’s to be sent through our TV screens, but there are alternatives to cable and satellite out there that will still give you a great selection of TV series and movies to watch.

Companies are becoming more aware of the consumers needs and that’s evident with so many rental kiosks and online streaming opportunities. No one really has money to spend $10-$15 on a movie theater ticket – and don’t even get me started on concession food prices!! Going to the movies is becoming more of a luxury than an every-weekend thing.

Check out this article for ways you can watch movies, TV shows and foreign and independent films for pennies on the dollar, right from the comfort of your own home!

TV Alternatives to Cable & Satellite:

Cbazaar Style Bash is Back!!

Embroidered-Rustic-Red-Lehenga-Choli- from

If you live in or near the Freemont, CA area, be sure to stop by the Cbazaar Style Bash for a super cool interactive shopping experience!


On Saturday, October 20th, 2012 – 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM


There’ll be Cbazaar Fashion Stylists on hand to answer questions, help you find your style and a truckload of beautiful Indian sarees and lehengas to try on!


Indian jewelry and Indian clothes, and it’s free? This is going to be one Saturday you’ll not soon forget! See you there!

Planning an Indian Wedding? Check out this article for great info on Indian wedding traditions and some exquisite pictures of Indian sarees and Indian lehengas!

Wedding Themes: An Indian Wedding Theme

Indian wedding themes are becoming very popular in the western world.  Even

Indian themed weddings can include beautiful bridal lehengas such as this one pictured here from Cbazaar.

if you are not Hindu, you can sill borrow some of the Indian rituals, Indian celebrations, and happily, the beautiful Indian sarees and lehengas!

An Indian themed wedding can include gorgeous decorations with bright colors and lots of flowers. Instead of a bridal shower, why not opt for a Mehenga party and get a beautiful, traditional henna design?

For more great ideas on ways you can create the Indian Wedding theme of your dreams, check out this article on Indian Wedding Themes from Hubpages.

All the Fixins’: Chitlins, Greens, Chocolate Cake & More!

Chitlins in broth.

Chitlins in broth. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With the end of the year coming ever closer, now is the time I usually start to anticipate the happy time of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I look forward to the turkey and stuffing and all the fixins’ like making chitterlings (chitlins), greens, sweet potatoes, dessert and more!

It’s the time of year when I like to explore new recipes to try, impress friends and family with my “new-found” cooking skills and just let all the unimportant things slip through my fingers. It’s a time to reflect on the past year, your triumphs, your disasters and everything else in between.

So, I’d like to share some great recipes with you in the spirit of sharing and love of food, family and a better New Year. Some are mine, most are not, but I hope you love them all as much as I do and will either share or try some of them yourself!

Chitlins’ (Chitterlings)

When it comes to chitlins, you either love them or hate them. Chitlins are enjoyed all over the world, not just in the South as some would believe, they can be boiled or fried and are just delicious. You can find a recipe for chitlins as well as some chitlin’ history here: Soul Food: How to Cook Chitlins (Chitterlings) & Some Chitlin’ History.

Moist Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting & Cherry Ganache

Who doesn’t love chocolate cake? I have searched far and wide for a chocolate cake recipe worthy of sharing and here it is! Moist Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting & Cherry Ganache, shared by my friend Vespawolf on Hubpages……it just makes your mouth water! Step-by-step instruction included with photos! Happy baking! (And eating.)

You can get the recipe for this decadent chocolate cake here:

Moist Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting & Cherry Ganache

Still, hungry? Try some of these great ideas for turkey leftovers like, my favorite, Turkey Pot Pie! Mmmmm… You’ll find an array of turkey recipes here from Curried Turkey Salad and Turkey Corn chowder, to Turkey Stew or turkey & Broccoli Fettuccine! Turkey rocks! You can get this Turkey Pot Pie recipe as well as several others here: Quick & Easy Recipes for Leftover Turkey

Quick & Easy Recipes for Leftover Turkey

Last, but not least, greens!! Collard greens have long been a southern tradition, but are eaten in the North and South alike. Here’s a great recipe for some Southern Collard Greens:  Southern Cooking: Collard Greens

Southern Cooking, Collard Greens

Your thoughts: Female preachers/ministers?

English: Author: myroslava (Myroslava Luzina, ...

Image via Wikipedia

As a woman, I know all too well the ups and downs that women go through in life. The miracle of childbirth, the countless hours of homework, chores, cooking, wiping butts, wiping tears, listening to your husband tell you about who knows what (because you’re only halfway listening to him)….”Yes, dear”…”Oh, really?…”Wow.”…..Yep, it’s called multi-tasking. Although most men would say we are ignoring them, actually, we are listening to you and at the same time planning dinner, setting aside time to “play” with you later and determining what time to put the kids in the tub.

It’s mentally draining. But, even with all of women’s star qualities, we still are underpaid, overworked, unappreciated and sub par in some people’s eyes. But, we also are genuine, thoughtful, loving, caring, supportive, heck, maybe even a little smarter.  🙂  We are just as good as men, right?

So, the hot question today on my Hubpages profile is:

Are women fit to become teachers or ministers?

You really must join in on this one. There are all sorts of views and comments being made…from “women have their place”…to…”why not?”.

The woman in the picture is Joyce Meyer, a female minister, who, unlike some preachers has an approach to preaching that’s like none I’ve ever seen. Because she is a woman, does that make her message any less worthy than a man? Are men threatened by a woman who may be better at explaining things than they do? Is she stepping outside of her womanly duties by spreading the Word of God?

I’m loving all the drama…but more importantly, its great to see how others feel on this subject and open up some sort of dialogue. Want to put your 2 cents in? Or read what others have to say?

Sound off by clicking  here.

Or copy-and-paste the link below. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!


Like this post? Why not repost it or tweet it? And, I challenge everyone who has not heard or seen Joyce Meyer, to check her out and judge for yourself.

Blessings to all,


Remove Your Question Mark

Preacher Man

Preacher Man (Photo credit: hey mr glen)

I was watching Joel Osteen one day (by mistake) and he said, “Don’t put a question mark where God has already put a period.” Wow.

That was about a month ago. One of the few things that I can manage to remember in my cloudy head. Can’t remember doctor appointments. Can’t remember a conversation I had last week. Can’t remember what I was doing a minute ago, but that I remembered.

So what did he mean by that you ask? Don’t question God about something that God has already laid the law down about. (Essentially that’s what he meant.) So don’t try to figure out why the tornado took your house and not your neighbors. After all he’s the one that cheats on his wife. Or don’t try to figure out why that newborn was tossed in the dumpster. (Because you desperately want kids and can’t have them.)

And don’t try to make sense of people strapping bombs to their chest or flying planes into a building just because they think their God is better than your God. Senseless. It’s all senseless. But you can never move on from the hurt and pain if you try to put that question mark there.

It is what it is. It’s meant to be….I guess. So here we all are…on the road to nowhere. Or should I say somewhere. But God has a purpose for us all. We all have jobs to fulfill, however long we are here.

The Road to Somewhere

Stay on the path. Don’t lose focus.

We all have a commonality. We want to be loved. We want to love someone. We want to be taken seriously. We want respect. (Even if we don’t give it.) We want to do something that people will remember us by. We want to leave our marks on this world.

Life is like that. It’s a road that we travel not knowing our destination. Not knowing who we will meet along the way. Not knowing who will travel the entire distance with us. Not knowing what’s around the corner. When God puts a period on part of your travels down the road, just know that there is something important in store for you further down. You just can’t see it yet. God Bless us All.

How Depression Robs Your Life

One of several versions of the painting "...

Image via Wikipedia

It was only a few months ago that I was “officially” diagnosed with depressive disorder (and anxiety disorder), something that I think I had for a while. Hearing someone say you have it doesn’t make the curtain close or make doves fly. It’s not the end of the show. If anything, the second act is just starting…

Sure everybody gets depressed, it is a normal part of life. You lose someone you love, you lose your job, you had a fight with a spouse or friend. It happens. What isn’t normal is when depression hangs around. It makes you not want to get out of bed. It makes your head hurt. You get angry for no reason and you’re just…there.

Oh, I’ve heard it all: “snap out of it” , “there’s nothing wrong with you”, “just fight it”. Really? Just fight it? And how do you propose I do that? Show where the button is to turn this crap off and I will gladly push it. Pray it away? And you don’t think I’ve already tried that?

Thanks, depression, for leaving me like a woman who has been violated and doesn’t know who the predator was. Thanks for making me look like a fool in front of everyone who knows me because I don’t “look” sick. Thanks for making me not enjoy life and all the things that come with it. Thanks for leaving me in almost constant pain everyday like I have the flu that won’t go away. Thanks for the headaches, for crying for no reason, the memory loss, the lack of concentration….what was I saying?

You can keep your mood swings and stomach cramps. I don’t want the feelings of loneliness you’re pushing off on me. And the suicide thoughts are so yesterday. Why can’t you just leave me alone? Why can’t you let me sleep at night and smile during the day? You have robbed me. Robbed me of my very life. You came like a thief in the night and returned everyday. Each day stealing a little more of me. But you don’t know me. I am telling people about you. They will be vigilant and watch for you. I have told them your name and what you are about. Teachers and parents; even doctors and nurses are taking note and spreading the word. Together we are fighting you. Eventually, we will be able to catch you before you have gotten away with too much.

I know you will never truly go away, you’re like the slow buzz creeping up on me from a sip of wine or liquor. But know that I will always try to fight you when I can. With support groups and Lexapro and suicide hotlines and continuing to write. I will fight you by helping others and sharing their pain. No longer will they have to feel alone. We will all fight you and someday win.

Until then, you can go straight to hell.

Great and inspiring…a must-read for all people.

90 Degrees to the Left

Those of you that follow my blog know that I never post material that is not my own… But I was so touched by this beautifully written piece, that I felt compelled to share it with you.You can find out more about Mr. Valentine at Enjoy!

ValidationBy: Tim Valentine

What it means to me as a Black man, a father of 3 boys to see President Obama in terms of race is simply VALIDATION of what I always knew about myself.

Everyone may not fully comprehend this validation in the same spirit as I and others like myself, speaking specifically of minorities, which includes women of any race as well. But for me it says that all of the unconscious discrimination and sociocultural obliviousness I’ve experience by the hands of Conservative White men and on rare occasion so-called Liberal White men as well may be a barrier…

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Blouses are pretty, dainty, sexy and so much more! Spring 2013 promises to be a great year in fashion, so be sure to incorporate some of these looks into your wardrobe and dress for success!

Fashion Forbes.

Skin is in! So it should be no surprise that the “tell all” sheer blouse is your go to 2013 piece. This is a new advancement since the 2012, popular  bandeau bra trend. The sheer blouse is the perfect way to transition your bando bra into a work/ play friendly item.

By: Akika Parker

Villain Top, Ball Gown Skirt

Thrifted Bottle Green Vintage Shirt, Vintage Silver Layer Necklace, Zerouv Small Brown Sunglasses, Ebay Lace Cycling Shorts, Daisystreet Buckle Platform Boots

Free People Crop Top, Maxi Skirt, Topshop Anchor BootsJeffrey Campbell BootsVictoria's Secret Pink Lace Bralette

Victoria's Secret Pink Lace Bralette

(All photo rights do not belong to

Photo’s extracted from: and

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Indo-Canadians Dress for Success: Saree Blouse Designs 2013

Ring in the New Year right with exquisite saree blouse designs for 2013! Whether you’re in Montreal, Toronto or Calgary, Indo- Canadians can dress for success with ethnic wear from Cbazaar.

Niche Charm Blouse. Photo courtesy of

Niche Charm Blouse. Photo courtesy of

Your blouse design makes any outfit come alive. Pair it with an elegant saree or a beautiful wrap skirt. Or wear it with some nice slacks and jazzy heels.

One thing is for certain, 2013 promises to bring new colors and designs the likes of which we’ve never seen. Your work wardrobe will be impeccable – all while maintaining your ethnic traditions.

When shopping for saree blouse designs in 2013, you have the choice between custom-made or readymade like this readymade Niche Charm Blouse or the Glamourous Green Blouse from Cbazaar.

Glamorous Green Blouse. Photo courtesy of

Glamorous Green Blouse. Photo courtesy of

When the occasion merits wearing something more alluring and extravagant, opt for one of the custom made saree blouse designs for 2013. This Overlapping Sleeve Blue Brocade Blouse is a great choice. These are perfect for business meetings, job interviews or just a night out on the town.

Overlapping Sleeve Blue Brocade Blouse. Photo courtesy of

Overlapping Sleeve Blue Brocade Blouse. Photo courtesy of

*Cbazaar is one of the largest online retailers for ethnic fashion on the internet. They cater to customers all over the world both Hindu, Punjabi and everyone in between, from all walks of life,who love and appreciate elegant and stylish ethnic clothing.

Stone Studded Cream Silk Blouse. Photo courtesy of

Stone Studded Cream Silk Blouse. Photo courtesy of

I Want That! Bridal Lehengas


There comes a time in every woman’s life, that she dreams about walking down the aisle in “the” perfect dress. It doesn’t matter what ethnicity, color or religion you are.  Women want to be the celebrity, the red carpet doll, the most beautiful and sensuous woman in the whole room.

And that’s the way it should be. For that one day, nothing else matters except the fact that you are the most awesome jewel anyone has ever laid eyes on…and you can have that look with a bridal lehenga.

Ladies, it doesn’t matter if you’re Hindu or not. I not Indian or Hindu and let me tell you…I WANT THAT for my wedding! They are so beautiful and colorful. Perfectly adorned with stones and beads and crystals. Zardosi designs and silk, oh my!

It’s enough to make a woman drool over the sheer luxuriousness of it. Check out some of these awesome Bridal Lehengas from Cbazaar and make your wedding day be the most  memorable ever!


Embroidered-Rustic-Red-Lehenga-Choli- from

Embroidered-Rustic-Red-Lehenga-Choli- from

Keeping with Indian traditions for Indo-Canadians: Indian Wedding Dresses

Purple Applique Net Lehenga Choli. Photo courtesy of Cbazaar.

Purple Applique Net Lehenga Choli. Photo courtesy of Cbazaar.

Indian wedding dresses can vary in style depending on what region of India you are in. Even in other countries like Canada, where many Indian communities are quickly growing, you can see where women wear colors and styles synonymous with their regional and ethnic roots.


Traditionally, Indian women would wear elaborate and magnificent saris on their wedding day. Nowadays, women are looking for more modern and contemporary styles that still reflect their heritage and allow them to be beautiful and feminine. Alluring Indian wedding dresses such as lehenga cholis are in high demand, as it allows the bride to be sensuous and regal looking.


Younger Indian women are also now turning to salwar kameez for their wedding day attire as well. Indian dresses are available for all wedding ceremonial activities, from the sangeet party to the mehendi party. And, while red still remains the choice color for weddings, Indian women are bringing other colors to the table. Turquoise, yellow, rich greens and deep blues are all quickly becoming the new image of the modern day Indian bride.


There’s no need to sacrifice traditional wear for anything less than a jaw-dropping Indian dresses. The dress of your dreams is now just a mouse-click away. Cbazaar offers to-die-for wedding sarees, salwar kameez and Indian wedding dresses like gangra choli and lehenga choli, mesmerizing fish-cut lehengas. Wedding sarees are still beautiful and worthy piece attire, but women are now stepping outside the box and enjoy expressing themselves through an array of styles, colors and patterns.


Phoenix Convention Center Hosts Bridal Fashion Debut

Hey there all you brides-to-be!

2013 promises to be a year full of prosperity and change. Our country is evolving and tying the knot just became more exciting than ever!
If you’re in the Phoenix area (or close by) the Phoenix Convention Center is hosting the Bridal Fashion Debut on January 12th and 13th, 2013 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Event-goers will receive:
*a free Brides magazine subscription
*get to sample delicious wedding cakes
*listen to wedding bands and DJ’s to book for your wedding
*watch a bridal fashion show
*book your honeymoon
*book your photographer /videographer
*check out some of the most sought-after wedding venues and so much more!
Tickets are $12.00 and this promises to be a one-stop experience for all your wedding needs. From limousine rental, to vision correction – even weight loss and cosmetic dentistry! It’s all there under one roof, so be sure to stop by and ensure you truly have the wedding of your dreams.
For more information visit their website at
The Phoenix Convention Center is located at :
33 S. 3rd Street
Call (480)860-6692 for more information.

Anything with chocolate and liquor in it is fine by me……


AKA Fat Kid Sunday (Slow Cooker Sunday + Sunday Cupcakery)
Slow Cooker Sunday
 So… Autumn is here. I mean, officially, it’s here. And I hate it. I’m a summer girl at heart… give me tank tops, flip-flops, and 90 degree weather. That’s not to say that there aren’t a few things I like about the Fall… more specifically: boots, outerwear (I have a jacket/ coat/ scarf obsession), hot food, and hot chocolate. Yes, I said hot food. Is that a weird thing to say?
I guess what I mean is, I got a slow cooker last winter (for Christmas) and I love it. I started doing “Slow Cooker Sunday” as a way to experiment. Until today, it was mostly soups or stews that I didn’t like enough to post. Try the BBQ Chicken, I make it ALL the time.
We eat a lot of pasta/ spaghetti and…

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